Have you ever experienced traveling with a group of people? What was it like for you?
While group trips can mean going on a package tour with strangers; oftentimes, they involve families, couples, friends, or co-workers traveling together.
In theory, traveling with a group is fun and exciting.
And why shouldn’t it be? You’re seeing new places, experiencing new things, and making memories with the people you know and are comfortable with.
But many don’t realize that group travel may not always be as easy as it sounds. It definitely has its own set of challenges. Group trips can lead to plenty of new discoveries about yourself and the people you are traveling it. The reality is these discoveries can be pleasant or unpleasant.

Group travel seems like a great idea. What could possibly go wrong?
I have heard several stories of people ending up fighting while traveling because they’re simply not compatible with group travelers.
But fighting/arguing while traveling may be the worst-case scenario. At the very least, traveling with a group will reveal a side of your companions that you’ve never seen before.
You will most likely learn something new about your partner, friend, co-worker, family when you travel with them.
This post hopes to make you understand group travel better. If you’re thinking of going on a trip with a group, this will definitely prepare you! But if you’ve already experienced group trips, this post may most likely amuse you.
Here are the 8 types of travelers you will have to deal with when you travel with a group:
1. The Hungry Traveler

This group traveler has ‘eating’ at the very top of his/her travel list.
It’s actually interesting to be with this person because he/she will take the time to research about the best restaurants and cuisines at your destination.
But beware that this traveler gets easily cranky when he/she is not fed.
Food is the priority and if the hungry traveler does not eat first, he/she will bring the travel group DOWN.
The hungry traveler also has the tendency to change the group’s plans. He/she will most likely make you go for an hour’s drive, ride a boat, and walk through a dark dodgy street just to get to this mysterious restaurant he/she has heard about.
2. The Alpha Traveler

This group traveler likes to plan the trip ahead of time. He/she will volunteer to book hotels, flights, and other transports for the whole group. He/she will map out the entire group itinerary without breaking a sweat.
Having an Alpha Traveler in the group can be very convenient. You just need to show up – no need to do anything extra to make the trip happen. You can relax because the Alpha Traveler has it ALL covered.
As you can see, there’s not much of a problem with having an Alpha Traveler… UNLESS there is another Alpha Traveler in the group.
Take note that the Alpha Traveler usually wants his/her own way. So if there’s one in the group who challenges this leadership; expect a power struggle that can take away all the fun in group travel.
3. The Laidback Traveler

The Laidback Traveler is a perfect companion to the Leader Traveler because this type of traveler will very seldom disagree on anything. The laidback traveler will gladly just follow whatever the Alpha Traveler says that the group should do.
The problem with the Laidback Traveler is he/she can be too laid back that he/she will not contribute anything to make the group travel experience more meaningful.
The Laidback Traveler may forget to book his accommodation or pack important things. He/she will wait until the last minute to pay the Leader Traveler for the cost of the trip. Or even worse – the Laidback Traveler may not even show up for the trip. Why? Because he/she is too laidback.
4. The Complainer Traveler

Of all the group traveler types, this person is the most difficult to manage. The Complainer Traveler will complain about everything – from the cleanliness of the room to the quality of food, to the itinerary of the trip.
Maybe it is too late to detect a Complainer Traveler up until she/he goes on a trip with the group.
But take note that the Complainer Traveler may normally be a nice person in his/her regular environment, but the complainer in him/her comes out when traveling with a group.Thus, traveling with other people may not be the best thing for the Complainer Traveler.
To preserve your relationship, do not travel with a Complainer Traveler.

5. The Sleepy Traveler
The Sleepy Traveler does not believe in schedules because for him/her, traveling is all about taking the time to relax ..and to sleep of course.
Therefore, planned tours or a strict itinerary is not best suited for the Sleepy Traveler. Expect that he/she will still be snoring in bed if you set a meeting time of anything before 12 noon.
The great thing about the Sleepy Traveler is that he/she can sleep anywhere at any time. He/she is extremely low maintenance. He/she will not complain about the trip except when it is disrupting his/her sleeping time.
6. The Party- Hard Traveler
To a Party-Hard Traveler, a trip is not satisfying without alcohol and nightlife.
This traveler is usually funny, charming, and outgoing. He/she can bring in so much fun to the group. But you’re just wasting your time if you’re planning to do anything or have a normal conversation with a Party-Hard Traveler before 12 noon.
DO NOT be roommates with Party Traveler if you’re a Sleepy or Laidback Traveler. Guaranteed, you will be woken up at 1 am because for this type of traveler, the night is still young!
You need to have either a strong will or an iron liver when traveling with a Party-Hard Traveler because he/she will constantly bully you to drink a beer or two or three.
7. The Paranoid Traveler

The Paranoid Traveler can most likely be an older person who has traveled very little and has watched too much CNN/BBC.
The Paranoid Traveler will be very much happy to just stay within the safe confines of a resort. And NO, he/she will not try exotic foods or jump off a waterfall with you!
It’s a wonder why the Paranoid Traveler even leaves his/her home. However, having one in the group can bring about certain benefits.
The Paranoid Traveler will force the group to get travel insurance. He/she will double-check that your rooms are locked, will tell you not to get ice in your drink, or eat the peanuts at the bar.
8. The Cheap Traveler

It’s no fun to travel with a Cheap Traveler if you’re a certified all-out spender or an aspiring “Instagram Influencer”. The Cheap Traveler is not a show-off; he/she does not feel the need to impress the world.
This type of traveler will refuse to spend money on a tour, a souvenir, a 5-star hotel, a 4-star hotel, or a 3-star hotel. In fact, hotels may out of the question!
The Cheap Traveler is highly skilled at covering up his/her cheapness. He/she will convince you that sleeping on the beach or camping at someone else’s backyard is a much more meaningful travel experience.
The good news is that a Cheap Traveler is compatible with ANOTHER Cheap Traveler.
On the other hand, the word ‘cheap’ is a relative term. So what is cheap for you may not be cheap for others. Hence, the rule of thumb is to travel with people who are willing to spend as much as you!
9. The Selfie Traveler

This traveler cares about only one thing – taking photos of herself/himself and places. Selfie Travelers can be fun to be with as they are always excited to see new places. They are usually easy to get along with just as long as you give them enough time to do… selfies.
Consult Selfie Travelers about the best photo angles and poses, and you will never be disappointed. They may not be meticulous trip planners or researchers but they will always find a way to connect to Wi-Fi!
You need to be patient with a Selfie Traveler as he/she will surely take time to choose the right outfit and the right body angle. Keep your distance from this traveler if you’re a bad photographer because nothing ruins a Selfie Traveler’s mood than a blurry photo!
This traveler may be a bit tricky to deal with if you’re not into documenting your life on Instagram. HOWEVER, the Selfie Traveler will always ensure that you’ll never forget your travel adventures as those memories will be well-preserved and admired on social media.
Key Point:
When it comes to group travel, it is a given that you will have to deal with different personalities. The most important keyword in traveling with others is COMPROMISE. You need to be flexible and patient when you’re going on a trip with people. Do not expect that everything will go your way.
Talk to your group and plan the trip together to set expectations and avoid misunderstandings.
Group travel may not always be smooth-sailing but it can be a great way to learn more about the people in your life.
So there you go, the 9 types of travelers you will encounter or have to deal with.
Do you know anyone who fits these descriptions? What type of group traveler are you?